Sunday, November 30, 2008

So behind

I haven't been able to find time at all to write lately.  We have been very busy running errands, having family in town, going to weddings and trying to get over our colds.

Lets see, just to recap on the last few weeks:

1. We had a great time at John and Monica's wedding and it was so wonderful to see and hang out with all of our friends.

2. Samuel now has 6 teeth, three on top and three on bottom.  Not sure if more are on the way.  I hope not.

3. Dave got very sick and then gave me the sickness last Monday.  Savta and Papa were in town, so they were able to help out and take care of Samuel, thank goodness.

4.  Thanksgiving was wonderful with everyone in town (however we did miss very much Oma and Opa).  Samuel ate turkey, mashed potatoes, broccoli cheese casserole and loved it.  Samuel loves giving kisses to everyone, especially Uncle Jonathan (some pictures below).

5.  Dave and I went holiday shopping and I think we are completely done with everyone.  It is so nice to be done so early.  Now all I have to do is wrap everything, which I am going to start doing in a few minutes. (Still need to do a little bit of shopping for Dave though.  Hard to do it with him around.  He did however buy me my holiday gift.  I got a new MacBook.  Love it!  Thanks honey!)

6. Decided we are not setting up the Christmas tree this year.  Samuel is way too mobile and active and I don't feel like having to deal with keeping him out of the tree.  He won't remember anyway.

7.  Samuel has outgrown all his 12 month sleepers, so we are now in 18 month sleepers.  I can't believe how fast he is growing.

Picture of the group at John and Monica's Wedding:

Samuel in his new pajamas.  (Thanks Savta, he loves his new pjs.)

Samuel and Aunt LaLa:
Savta and Samuel:
Baby it's cold outside: 
Samuel loves watching Wheel of Fortune:

Samuel loves giving kisses to Uncle Jonathan:

Thanksgiving Dinner:

Where's my food?
More kisses:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This will be a quick post because I am busy doing lots of things in preparation for Thanksgiving.  On Monday night Dave got super sick, most likely the flu and had a terrible fever, chills, everything.  Then on Tuesday morning I woke up and had a milder version of what he had.  Luckily my parents were in town so they helped out with Samuel and I tried to get lots of rest.  

Because we are sick Dave's parents weren't able to come in town.  We are very sad and disappointed.  Thanksgiving is not going to be the same without them.  

Luckily Laura is having Thanksgiving at her house this year, which is wonderful.  

Well, Samuel is up from  his nap.  I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.  I will post again later.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another sleepless night

I don't know why we have the child that will not sleep.  It is 6:45 am and he is already down for his first nap of the day, if that tells you anything.  He was wide awake at 5 am.  He had a rough night last night.  He cried every 4 to 5 hours for about an hour.  I thought that since a tooth came through yesterday he would be feeling better, but I guess more are on the way.  I am so tired this morning and I know Dave is too.  He got up and went to the gym at 5 because there was no point in trying to go back to sleep.  

We are going to John Combest's wedding this weekend.  Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Laura are watching Samuel on Saturday night.  They are going to have an interesting night if Samuel keeps up his bedtime routine.  I hope he decides to behave himself.  

Here are some pictures from yesterday.  He was getting so excited to eat lunch.  I was in he kitchen warming up his food and he was waving to me.  It was pretty funny.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another tooth has arrived

I had a feeling he was teething, but I thought it would be one of his two top middle teeth that would come in, but it wasn't.  He got another tooth on the bottom, right next to his right middle tooth.  So he currently has three teeth on the bottom and two on top.  He has been getting a tooth every month now almost always the third week of every month.  

He is sleeping now, so hopefully he will rest nicely now that the tooth has cut through.  


I know this is going to sound strange to some people, but today is a big milestone for me.  Today Samuel has been living outside my body as long as he was inside.  He has grown so much in just 8 months, 3 weeks and 1 day.   I can't believe it.  

Although Samuel has been in a great mood lately, I am in a funk.  I am exhausted, tired, cranky, bitchy, you name it I feel it.  I'm not sure what the deal is, but I am sick of it.  The weather hasn't been the greatest this week and I think it is just wearing me out.  I'm really not liking the fact that it gets dark out at 4:50 pm.  

Well, I am off to make myself a cup of coffee.  I desperately need caffeine. 

Samuel is teething like crazy:

He has been sticking out his bottom lip all the time, when he doesn't get what he wants:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

He is everywhere.  This morning I was vacuuming and all of the sudden Samuel was gone.  Now George is not a fan of the vacuum, so she normally hides under the dining room table.  Well, I guess Samuel decided he wanted to join her.  I couldn't grab the camera fast enough, but I did get these pictures.  Then he decided to move to the pots and pans.  

Monday, November 17, 2008

Another weekend gone

I can't believe that I haven't posted since last Wednesday.  Time has really flown by.  We were really busy last week and this week is no different.  I have a meeting tonight, Dave might be gone tomorrow night and I think I have something planned everyday this week except for today.  I am so tired today and it is only 8:15.  

I went shopping on Sunday and bought lots of holiday gifts.  I am about half way done with everything.  Dave watched Samuel while I shopped and I got so much more accomplished then I would have if I had Samuel with me.  It was a nice break.  

I am getting myself organized for Thanksgiving too.  I need to make shopping lists.  I can't wait to start baking.  

Last night we went over to our friends Andrea and Mark's house.  Their daughter is Taylor and she is 9 months old.  Samuel and Taylor are at the age where they can interact and play with each other.  So last night before we were about to leave, Taylor decided she was going to put some wrestling moves on Samuel.  It was pretty funny.  Samuel just completely ignored her and tried to crawl away while she held on to him.  We took some pictures and I posted some below.

She was so serious.
Samuel playing the drums with Taylor and Andrea.

What a cute huge!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Update on Doctor's Appointment

Samuel does not have an ear infection and there is nothing wrong with him except for the fact that he is teething like crazy.  The doctor looked in his mouth and said, "wow, those middle two are about to come in.  I think there may be more on the way too."  Just what I wanted to hear.  He told me that Samuel is probably in a lot of pain (no shit) and may need some reassurance in the middle of the night (not good), but not to spend too much time in his room (I would prefer to spend NO time in his room).  So our plan tonight is for Dave to just go in and pat him and leave (hopefully it won't take too long for him to go back to sleep).  I am hopeful that he will go back to sleeping better in the next few days.  If not, I will have to kill him.

So, as I mentioned in a previous post, we have been trying to give Samuel a little bit of formula, just to get him used to it.  When Dave and I go to Vegas the end of the year, I am not sure I will have enough breastmilk frozen to last the entire time we are gone.  Anyway, we got him Enfamil LIPIL formula and he would eat it in his rice cereal but wouldn't touch it in a bottle.  Then this past weekend we got an organic soy kind.  He ate it right away in his rice cereal, then tonight Dave gave him a 2 oz bottle when I wasn't home and he ate it all.  I guess he just didn't like the taste of the other kind.  We are going to try to give him 2 oz everyday in a bottle with his dinner.  Hopefully he will be used to it by the end of December and it will make life easier for everyone.  

I am off to watch some TV.  You are right Charisa, I can't wait for Top Chef!!!!

It's Wednesday

So it is Wednesday and I know you all know that, but I can't believe the week is already halfway over.  I'm exhausted.  Dave had the day off yesterday and it would have been nice and relaxing except for the fact that Samuel has not been sleeping the last few nights.  I'm not sure what the deal is, but he throws a fit at about 11:30 pm.  He screams and screams.  He will not calm down when Dave goes in there, so I have to go in and normally feed him to calm him down.  This isn't just a cranky waking up, it is an out of control screaming and crying fit.  Last night every time we went in he was sitting up in his crib, screaming and crying.  

He is supposed to go in today for a few more shots, but I changed his appointment so that we could see the doctor.  I want them to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection or something.  I don't know if he is trying to cut more teeth or what, but his behavior is out of control.  If he doesn't have an ear infection (which I really hope he doesn't) he is going to not be happy tonight, but I am going to let his ass cry himself back to sleep.  This is getting ridiculous.

Both Dave and I are so tired.  Anyway, I am going to shower and get ready to take him to the doctor.    

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lots of Pictures

It is freezing today.  It was so cold last night and today and it doesn't seem like our house can get warm.  I decided that I needed to get out of the house this morning, so I put Samuel in the new coat we got him yesterday.  We got a big size because he is growing like crazy and we knew if we got a 12 month size coat he would be out of it before winter was over, so we got him an 18 month coat.  I put it on him today and it is HUGE.  He looked hilarious.  Here are some pictures:

Here are some other pictures from this morning.

Lately Samuel has been more interested in standing while he is playing rather then sitting.   Now, I said before that when  tell him to smile he does this crazy face thing.  Well, when I was taking these pictures he wouldn't stop giving me the look.  When I was looking back at the pictures, it reminded me of the Wizard of Oz and the Lollipop Guild.  

"We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, and in the name of the Lollipop Guild...we wish to welcome you to Munchkin Land."  If only I had a huge lollipop to give him.  He thought it was quite funny that I kept singing that to him and he wouldn't stop with the smile.  Here are some pictures:

Here is the close up:
Then he was serious:

Then smiled again:
Then serious:

Then I finally got a real smile:

Friday, November 7, 2008


This past weekend, my mom took this picture.  

Last night Dave was reading Samuel a book and he got so excited:

I told Samuel to smile when I was taking this picture and this is what I got:

Today, Samuel decided that he wanted to crawl to the window and look out, then George decided to join him. 
Have a great weekend.

Thank you for all the Anniversary wishes.  We had a great night last night.  I went and picked up food and we had a nice candlelight dinner with champagne and our baby.  We were laughing at how much our lives have changed in just 4 years.  It is crazy.  

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY CHARISA!!!  I hope you have a great day today!

I am not sure what I am going to do today, but I can guarantee that I will be running around after Samuel.  He is into everything.  He is literally climbing up the walls.  I turned the corner yesterday and Samuel was trying to pull himself up on the walls.  It was so crazy.  He has all this extra energy lately and is a mad man.  Right now he is sitting on my lap and is only  calm because he is watching me type.  

Well I think I am going to run to the grocery store now.  

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Anniversary

Dave and I are celebrating our 4th anniversary today.  I can't believe it has been 4 years already.  It just keeps getting better and better.  

I am not sure what I am going to do today.  I need to run some errands and the bug doctors are coming by today to spray.  

I would like to read a little bit today and relax, but I doubt that will happen.  

I tried to take some pictures yesterday of Samuel since it was his 8th month birthday, but I don't think we got any great ones.  Here are a few.  

Yesterday we played outside because it was gorgeous and the wind blew the blanket over Samuel's head.  He thought it was hilarious:

Last night Samuel fell asleep on me again and Dave took a picture.  Look how big he is getting:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What a day

It is exciting waking up to a historical moment.

Happy 32nd Anniversary Mom and Dad!

It is also Samuel's 8 month birthday.  So crazy how fast he is growing.  Here are some pictures.  They aren't very good, hopefully later today Dave and I will be able to take some good ones of him.  

Samuel slept great last night.  We tried to give him a bottle of formula and he would not take it at all.  He screamed and pushed it away.  First Dave tried and then I tried.  Bad idea for me to try, he just tried to yank my shirt down.  I don't think he is ready to stop breastfeeding.  He was so worn out after fighting us with the formula bottle that when I finally fed him he  passed out.  He cuddled up to me and fell asleep on my chest.  It was the most wonderful thing ever.  Then at 5 when I fed him this morning he did the same thing.  I wanted Dave to take a picture because he is huge now (but we had the memory card downstairs and we were too lazy to go get it).   His body takes up from my chin to almost my knees.  He is so long.  

Here are the pictures.

Samuel playing with his new toy:

Samuel eating his new toy: