I finally got over my soreness from the kick-my-butt workout. I went for a walk today and hopefully tomorrow I will find some time to go for a run.
Opa came to visit for a few days. Samuel was in rare form. He was super cranky on Friday and would not be happy at all. I think the week of no sleep finally caught up to him by Friday. I was wondering when it would effect him. I was ready to pull my hair out and jab my eye balls out by Friday morning because of the lack of sleep. I think he is finally over his growing and eating stage for the week and is now getting back to normal.
I always wondered how long you had to swaddle your baby. The pediatrician and Parents-as-Teachers lady told us that we would know when to stop. I proceeded to tell them that that answer did not help me in the slightest bit. Well, now I think I know what they mean. (A little brief history, we have been swaddling Samuel every night since he was born. We found a really cool swaddling wrap and he loved, which helped with his sleeping a lot. We were so stupid at the beginning to try to wrap him ourselves in receiving blankets, when there are the amazing blankets that require 3 steps in order to securely wrap a baby). Anyway, on Thursday night I heard Samuel making lots of noises in his crib, but he wasn't crying. I figured I should check on him anyway. I went in his room and look in his crib and he was on his stomach. Now, explain to me how the hell a baby swaddled really tightly can flip himself on his stomach. Well, Samuel did it and it totally freaked me out because he had no way to lift himself up to move his head, so he face planted himself in the crib sheets. By the way, he has never rolled himself over from his back to his stomach during the day. It is only a night thing, so I have never really seen it happening with my own eyes. He must have super powers at night!
Anyway, the light bulb finally went off...I guess he shouldn't be swaddled anymore. Last night I put him in just a sleep sack and again at midnight he made some noises with a few screams, so I went in and checked on him and he was on his stomach again, but this time because his arms were not plastered to his sides he was able to lift himself up and scream. After I flipped him back over, he slept the rest of the night on his back perfectly fine. We will see how tonight goes. It is about 9:30 pm so I guess I will be checking in on him before we go to bed. Hopefully he won't be flipping himself over anymore.
I am off to read a little before I go to bed. I am so excited to be able to have some downtime.